
What's YOUR $5 dollar story?

I can't wait to see what God does in and through you all!!!
Tell us your story by clicking "comments".

In the beginning, God blogged...

I've always had a desire to start a blog. Haven't you? I mean who doesn't have one??? This is a big moment for me!! *Pause.....I'm just soaking in this moment........ok.
I guess I've finally told myself that questions like, "What would I possibly write about?" or "Is there anyone out there who will be adventurous enough to wander away from the addictive pages of myspace for two minutes to read an outpouring of my heart?" aren't gonna hold me back anymore! I just am dying to share with everybody the random yet inspirational num nums from my soul!!! So, I'm a little fired up....sue me:)
But even more so, this is a place for us, the Seacoast HSM, to be able to share, to encourage, to ask questions or give answers, to comment on how amazing the HSM staff is...you know, stuff like that:)
So have fun. Be nice. And don't forget to add this blog to your "Favorites!!!"

Love, m A t t