[The High School Ministry of Seacoast Community Church]
Our objective is to help students possess a lasting faith in Jesus Christ. To be rooted and built up in Him. Established in His truth. Everything we do is aimed at that.
We believe that by watering the root of faith with the word of the gospel (Rom. 10:17), students will begin to see God for who He is. And when that happens, it changes everything.
Relationships are a core of any ministry to students. Without relationships there is no context for the content. Therefore, we're very intentional about providing time & space for connecting to happen rather then over-programming any of our weekly gatherings.
Click through this slideshow to get a better understanding of what the big picture of the HSM is:
desire is for students to possess a wonder for God, a gospel-centered identity,
and a gospel-fueled passion to bring life to a broken world.
We believe
that the more we see God for who He is, the more we’ll see ourselves the way
that God does...And when we see ourselves how God sees us, we're compelled to
love the world the way that God does!
We want students to enter their adulthood possessing a lasting understanding of these 3 concepts, so they're able to say:
- “I am created to pursue an authentic relationship with my creator.” [wonder]
- “I belong to Jesus Christ and define who I am by what He says and what He did.” [identity]
- “I exist every day to demonstrate God’s love to a broken world.” [passion]
2 Weekly Gatherings for High School Students:
1 - Sundays @ 10:45am
- worship, bible teaching and fun community
2 - Wednesdays @ 7pm
- lifegroups
*1st Sunday of each Month: