A few weeks ago our office doors here at the church experienced a little make-over. I had been hearing rumors that we were going to be getting these windows installed in our office doors but I had no idea when, and to be honest, I didn't want no stinkin' window in my door! I liked my privacy. But that morning I showed up to work only to find the doors off their hinges, and the 'relaxing' sound of the screeching power saw destroying my privacy.
I have to admit, I was frustrated! Here's a sound clip of what I was thinking:
"I mean, come on! Do they not trust me?!? What's the "BIG" deal? It's gonna look lame! Well, can you at least install a little curtain too? Geeze!" (I know...what a whiner!)
So why was this so hard? Was it because what I do needs to take place behind closed doors with no window? No! Definitely not. I just really liked my privacy. And the thought of seeing faces, out of the corner of my eye, peek in at me kinda freaks me out! But thats a whole other issue...
The truth is...I was looking at this all wrong. My window wasn't installed to PATROL me...it was installed to PROTECT me.
It's called being "above reproach." It's being intentional about
"avoiding the appearance of evil." My window is my friend. It says, "Go ahead...look in and see! No shenanigans in here!"
This is a principal I need to take with me everywhere. I need to intentionally install "windows" all around me. It's living above reproach, where no one can say, "Hmmm...I wonder what Matt's doing in there??? I believe that every aspect of my life needs a window...not to PATROL me...but PROTECT me! I just wasn't seeing it that way at first. But now, I wouldn't have it any other way!
How about you? Do you have "windows" installed in YOUR life? What are they?