Star Wars: retold by someone who has never seen it.
First off, I LOVE Star Wars! This was funny to watch...especially with the animation.
It made me think of the way people seem to view the Jesus, the Bible and Christianity. From the outside, it all kinda sounds like Dark Side of the Force, Luke Skywalker, and Ewoks all over again. Weird ingredients to an even weirder story.
I mean, when all you hear is the strange stories about a God who kills thousands of people for disobeying him but really LOVES you...
That he has a son whose mom was a virgin...
That this son walked on water, and supposedly is now living inside of people who believe in him...
Without understanding the plot and context of all those things, I can see why some people have a skewed view of God and His Church. The Bible is full of weird, crazy, and mysterious things!
But, pick up the Bible, read it and soon discover...from COVER to COVER, God's Story makes sense! HIS PLOT to create the Human Race, reveal Himself, rescue us, restore us, and redeem us is clearly seen!
Nothings disconnected. Every character, every story, every victory, and every defeat is a part of HIS PLAN!!!
In the same way you wouldn't watch this video and think you've seen Star Wars...You probably wouldn't want to say you know God if you haven't spent the time to read what He says.
Get to know God by feasting on His words and His thoughts found in the Bible.
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Rush hour traffic CAN be fun!
Powered windows? No, thanks.
Powered locks? No, thanks.
Cruise Control? No, thanks.
A Gatling Gun? Yes, please!
Powered locks? No, thanks.
Cruise Control? No, thanks.
A Gatling Gun? Yes, please!
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How Rich Are You?

This is a site a came across a while ago and possibly even posted about, but it's a good reminder.
If you're like me, you've probably spent an absurd amount of time wishing you had more money to buy more stuff...never content with what you already have...salivating as you think of your next "purchase"...that next "thing" that supposedly will make your life more complete...
Yes. I confess. I've been there...and probably will again.
But, the truth is...I AM blessed. I have ALL I need in Christ. He ALONE completes me and quenches my thirst. He ALWAYS provides. This world has NOTHING for me...except a grave.
My Prayer: Proverbs 30:7-9
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Tilt Shift Photos
These are just a few of my first attempts at applying the "tilt shift" effect to old pics. Try it out here. I love the "Mr Rogers Neighborhood" feel you can create. Use it right and it miniaturizes life!

Sunday Night Thoughts and...Tilt-Shift Action
I love Sunday nights. Especially tonight. I'm just hanging out with my amazing wife, who is currently serenading me on her guitar and "playing for kisses." That's a currency I'll never run out of!
Also, I'm just plain STOKED about the season of life God has us in right now. One of the biggest blessings of our life is our church, Seacoast. We don't just work at Seacoast or attend there on Sundays...WE BELONG to the family there!
Mentors, spiritual shepherds, and true God-centered community has permeated our life and ministry here. I don't know how I survived life a few years back when 'going' to church was just that...going. I didn't have a clue what it meant to 'BE' a part of Christ's Body at a local church!
I was merely a "Sunday Night Spectator"...And I wondered why I felt alone.
I was isolated.
Well, all that to say...Praise Jesus for the Church!
On a totally different topic, I'm obsessed with tilt shift photography! I couldn't stop thinking about it all week! I'll have to post some pics soon!
Also, I'm just plain STOKED about the season of life God has us in right now. One of the biggest blessings of our life is our church, Seacoast. We don't just work at Seacoast or attend there on Sundays...WE BELONG to the family there!
Mentors, spiritual shepherds, and true God-centered community has permeated our life and ministry here. I don't know how I survived life a few years back when 'going' to church was just that...going. I didn't have a clue what it meant to 'BE' a part of Christ's Body at a local church!
I was merely a "Sunday Night Spectator"...And I wondered why I felt alone.
I was isolated.
Well, all that to say...Praise Jesus for the Church!
On a totally different topic, I'm obsessed with tilt shift photography! I couldn't stop thinking about it all week! I'll have to post some pics soon!
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"Old Time Religion"

I'd consider myself one of those "church kids". You know...the, "I've heard it all before! I know all this!", kinda guy???
But I've also realized there's a difference between knowing about God, and actually KNOWING God. At church, it's easy to get caught up in the motions of DOING without even KNOWING why we DO what we DO. There's seems to be a lot of "traditions" that are apart of a church service that are not understood, therefore are not practiced or appreciated.
This series is all about answering that question: Why do we DO what we DO at church and what does it all mean?
Starts Feb.1!!!
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