This was just an experiment I did at One True Media and thought I would at least post it as a little 2008 keepsake for those of you in the HSM.
It's been an amazing year filled with all kinds of change.
Good times...Yes.
Hard times...definitely.
But God has been in it ALL.
I'm looking forward to this next year and all God has in store for us!!! Yeewwww!!!
Free Bible App for iPhone and BlackBerry

Here's a sweet Bible app for your BlackBerry or iPhone. It's awesome! It looks great with it's super smooth interface and the options it gives you are REALLY cool! Gotta love what the brains of the dudes at You Version and are doing to help nerds for Jesus, like myself!
Do Something!
I thought the message of this video was legit. *Disclaimer: I did add the ending with something more generic, but you can see the original here.
So, what are YOU gonna do this Christmas season? Get lost in all the chaos, or make a difference in someones life...
Come with us Dec 11 and 12 to be a part of the latter! 4-7pm at the Del Mar Fairgrounds.

HSM Events,
HSM Videos
Wal-Mart Worker Killed
Stories like this make me angry! When someone DIES because Wrangler jeans are on sale for $8...yes, I get angry. What gets me is the part about how people, after learning that a man had been trampled to death, KEPT SHOPPING!!!
But this story is just another example of how destructive an obsession over the material things of this world can be.
But this story is just another example of how destructive an obsession over the material things of this world can be.
Future of Forestry

Of course...Future of Forestry WOULD make a Christmas EP...and yes it WOULD be amazing! These guys are rad and I'm getting the word out. Don't be a Grinch...Click on this link and buy this Christmas EP!!!
SOLID 08 @ Hume Lake
HSM group with Shawn McBride, our conference speaker.
330 Plan. I have to confess...At certain points during their worship set, I imagined a person walking into the room thinking we were worshiping a big robot.
HSM Events
A New Day
I read this blog this morning and thought I'd pass it on. What is YOUR mindset as We the People transition into this new era?
"Today is a new day. It’s a new era. Regardless of who you voted for or why, it’s time to switch gears. It’s time to pray for Obama as he transitions to become the President of the United States.
And furthermore, you need to know this is not a surprise to God. Before the billions of dollars were spent on this campaign, God already knew the outcome. He wasn’t sitting around the television last night ringing his hands like you were.
He doesn’t need a Republican or a Democrat, an electoral vote, or a state. He’s not red or blue. He’s God.
He’s God and I’m not. You’re Not. Obama is not. McCain is not.
So if your candidate lost. I’m sorry. If you’re worried your issues aren’t going to be being addressed. I’m sorry. But God is still God and He’s still sitting on His throne.
Let’s move on."
"Today is a new day. It’s a new era. Regardless of who you voted for or why, it’s time to switch gears. It’s time to pray for Obama as he transitions to become the President of the United States.
And furthermore, you need to know this is not a surprise to God. Before the billions of dollars were spent on this campaign, God already knew the outcome. He wasn’t sitting around the television last night ringing his hands like you were.
He doesn’t need a Republican or a Democrat, an electoral vote, or a state. He’s not red or blue. He’s God.
He’s God and I’m not. You’re Not. Obama is not. McCain is not.
So if your candidate lost. I’m sorry. If you’re worried your issues aren’t going to be being addressed. I’m sorry. But God is still God and He’s still sitting on His throne.
Let’s move on."
Random Thoughts
Election Day Thoughts
It's so human for us to place ourselves in the hands of our circumstances. If things are good in life, then God is good and we can be happy. If times are tough, well, God must not know what he's doing, because if he did, he'd change this situation so I'd feel happy!!!
I know that may sound ridiculous to you, but that's the mindset I find myself, and the world around me, defaulting to so often. We place an All-Access pass into the hands of the "Drama de Jur", allowing our emotional, physical, and spiritual strings to be controlled and determined by each new day and each new circumstance. In these crazy times, with all thats going on around us, I'm not sure living "spiritually bi-polar" and attached to "situational strings" is the answer.
This kind of "thinking" is deceptive and has seriously screwed me up in the past. Here's what we need to remember:
First things first: Our "happiness" takes the backseat to God's Glory. True happiness and lasting joy will always be a bi-product of Gods Glory in our lives...not the cause!
"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him." -John Piper...I think...
I know it sounds good when politicians promise world peace, lower taxes, equality, love, and warm fuzzies for ALL, but we need to remember, the TRUE and ETERNAL joy we all seek won't be found in ANY President or Proposition.
Give your life's All Access pass to God. Place your hope in Christ alone. Don't expect Presidents, policies, or propositions to do what only God can!
I know that may sound ridiculous to you, but that's the mindset I find myself, and the world around me, defaulting to so often. We place an All-Access pass into the hands of the "Drama de Jur", allowing our emotional, physical, and spiritual strings to be controlled and determined by each new day and each new circumstance. In these crazy times, with all thats going on around us, I'm not sure living "spiritually bi-polar" and attached to "situational strings" is the answer.
This kind of "thinking" is deceptive and has seriously screwed me up in the past. Here's what we need to remember:
First things first: Our "happiness" takes the backseat to God's Glory. True happiness and lasting joy will always be a bi-product of Gods Glory in our lives...not the cause!
"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him." -John Piper...I think...
I know it sounds good when politicians promise world peace, lower taxes, equality, love, and warm fuzzies for ALL, but we need to remember, the TRUE and ETERNAL joy we all seek won't be found in ANY President or Proposition.
Give your life's All Access pass to God. Place your hope in Christ alone. Don't expect Presidents, policies, or propositions to do what only God can!
Paint with Sam!!!

Calling all High School Ministry Artist!!!
Stick around this Sunday after our morning services. We're gonna be adding new art to the HSM room and we need your skills! Our very own...Sam, Artist Extraordinaire, wants everyone with the ability to hold a paintbrush and the willingness to serve to be there!
Come and Paint with Sam!
HSM Events
Reality...not religion
Today, I was reminded…
I was reminded that my faith isn’t something I DO, it’s WHO I AM. Yes, as simple as that sounds, actually living life in that truth alters everything for me.
I remembered that my faith isn’t a's a HABIT.(in a good way, of course:)
I remembered it’s not about WHERE I am…
At church…
At home…
In the grocery store…
In the DMV…
At a wedding or at a funeral…
In a croud or in my room…
In the voting booth…
At dinner with my friends or family…
In the mountains or at the beach… God isn’t my religion, He’s my Reality. WHERE I am doesn’t and never will determine WHO I am.
My reality is sealed. You can’t touch it. This world can’t touch it. It belongs to the One who bought it FOR GOOD…the Lord of my life, my Creator, my God! He alone gives my life meaning, purpose, and significance. Nothing else.
Don’t believe the same isn’t true for you!
Consider yourself reminded.
I was reminded that my faith isn’t something I DO, it’s WHO I AM. Yes, as simple as that sounds, actually living life in that truth alters everything for me.
I remembered that my faith isn’t a's a HABIT.(in a good way, of course:)
I remembered it’s not about WHERE I am…
At church…
At home…
In the grocery store…
In the DMV…
At a wedding or at a funeral…
In a croud or in my room…
In the voting booth…
At dinner with my friends or family…
In the mountains or at the beach… God isn’t my religion, He’s my Reality. WHERE I am doesn’t and never will determine WHO I am.
My reality is sealed. You can’t touch it. This world can’t touch it. It belongs to the One who bought it FOR GOOD…the Lord of my life, my Creator, my God! He alone gives my life meaning, purpose, and significance. Nothing else.
Don’t believe the same isn’t true for you!
Consider yourself reminded.
my story...Henry
We all have a story. We've all had ups, downs, hurts, habits, and hangups. But through Jesus and His amazing, irresistible Grace, we can all experience Victory and Freedom from the guilt and shame that is caused by our sin.
This is Henry's story. What's yours?
This is Henry's story. What's yours?
HSM Videos
Small Group Commercial!!!
Yes!!! Our 08-09 HSM Small Groups have officially launched!!!
It's our desire to see EVERYONE in the HSM connected to a group where you're 'known' and experience a true sense of 'belonging' and spiritual growth as Christ is formed in you. So exciting! I love it!
If you are not yet connected to a can be! In a jiff!!!
Leave a comment below or email us:
Oh...and if you need further convincing, watch the commercial over and over again. It'll kick in eventually:)
Today was a first...
I just wanted to put out a quick post and say how thankful I am for the friends I serve with in the HSM. Today was the first time I've missed a Sunday morning...which would normally make me a little nervous, like how my mom felt the first time she left me with a babysitter. But I have to say that not ONCE did I begin to sense a seed of panic. We have an amazing High School staff and I felt completely confident knowing who was there hangin with the coolest teenagers ever. Sorry I didn't leave money on the fridge for pizza...
I missed you today Seacoast! Can't wait for next Sunday!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Can I really blog from my phone?
Oh technology...I miss the simple days of pagers and AIM...ok not really.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
I Can't Sleep
I feel like I have so much to say, yet I can't even think of a place to start. And the fact that it's 4:10am makes me think I shouldn't start.
I just can't sleep. My mind is wide awake and I can't stop thinking about how rad today was. There was nothing super "outside the norm" that happened...It was just a good day.
Here are some of my early bird thoughts...(And PS...I don't see any stinkin worm. It's all a big lie!) Anyways...
Over and over again I'm reminded of how blessed I am.
Blessed to belong to such an incredible spiritual family here at Seacoast.
Blessed to marry my best friend in a month!!!
Blessed to have friends and spiritual mentors that teach me so much and are committed to not letting me fail.
So blessed to have the job I have that allows me to get to know some of the coolest people around.
God has really been so good! It saddens me to think that I've spent the majority of my life complaining about what I don't have...when all along I've always had what I've needed. Today was another day where that truth was clear to me. And it's crazy...the more time I spend being thankful for what God has provided, the less time I have to complain! (I know that sounds complex)
Oh how I wish I would live my life in continuous gratitude! Sure, it might keep me up all night, but pulling the grave yard shift with God is well worth it!
I just can't sleep. My mind is wide awake and I can't stop thinking about how rad today was. There was nothing super "outside the norm" that happened...It was just a good day.
Here are some of my early bird thoughts...(And PS...I don't see any stinkin worm. It's all a big lie!) Anyways...
Over and over again I'm reminded of how blessed I am.
Blessed to belong to such an incredible spiritual family here at Seacoast.
Blessed to marry my best friend in a month!!!
Blessed to have friends and spiritual mentors that teach me so much and are committed to not letting me fail.
So blessed to have the job I have that allows me to get to know some of the coolest people around.
God has really been so good! It saddens me to think that I've spent the majority of my life complaining about what I don't have...when all along I've always had what I've needed. Today was another day where that truth was clear to me. And it's crazy...the more time I spend being thankful for what God has provided, the less time I have to complain! (I know that sounds complex)
Oh how I wish I would live my life in continuous gratitude! Sure, it might keep me up all night, but pulling the grave yard shift with God is well worth it!
Free Music From JJ Heller!!!
I like free music and I like JJ's music. This is perfect.
Click on the picture or go to JJ's website and download her latest album, "Painted Red"....for FREE!!! Do it.
Gonna Miss Zach, Seiji, and Weston
I've accepted the fact that saying goodbye will always be an active ingredient in my life. It's just the nature of ministry. That doesn't mean I like it though.
Today was one of those days...Another farewell. Another goodbye...which has left me feeling sad and misplaced, like a baby who's "Binky" has been stolen or ripped from his hands!
Today I said goodbye to Zach, Seiji, and Weston. They're off to college to receive higher education and to unveil the meaning of life. Yes, I'll see them again soon, and actually very soon at a pretty special event...a certain wedding. But I'm gonna miss seeing them around so much. They've become such rad friends. It's hard to see them go.
Today, we played our final set, had a group hug, and said our goodbyes. I loved having lunch with Weston and getting one final chance to play with Zach+Seiji as we all focused our hearts on our Amazing God who, by His grace, has allowed us to enjoy this season of life together. It's been a supreme blessing. Thank you Jesus!
The final set list...

The band minus Weston (our media maestro)
Today was one of those days...Another farewell. Another goodbye...which has left me feeling sad and misplaced, like a baby who's "Binky" has been stolen or ripped from his hands!
Today I said goodbye to Zach, Seiji, and Weston. They're off to college to receive higher education and to unveil the meaning of life. Yes, I'll see them again soon, and actually very soon at a pretty special event...a certain wedding. But I'm gonna miss seeing them around so much. They've become such rad friends. It's hard to see them go.
Today, we played our final set, had a group hug, and said our goodbyes. I loved having lunch with Weston and getting one final chance to play with Zach+Seiji as we all focused our hearts on our Amazing God who, by His grace, has allowed us to enjoy this season of life together. It's been a supreme blessing. Thank you Jesus!
The final set list...

The band minus Weston (our media maestro)
I Don't Need Your Prayer
A friend of mine is working through a tough situation right now and shared it with me. Honestly, it made me angry, frustrated, annoyed, perturbed, and just plain mad as I listened to what is taking place!
Unfortunately, it's a pretty common issue and can be extremely hurtful. I've been through this but never got the chance to blog about it. So, here's my chance...while I'm all worked up!
Ok, so here's the deal:
The next time you hear someone talking behind my back, questioning my integrity, or speaking poorly of my character...PLEASE DON'T TELL ME! I don't need to hear it from you, especially if it's wrapped in the, "I heard a few things...and...well, I'm praying for you Matt." package!
You may feel like you're helping me by saying that, but you're not. You're actually spreading a disgusting virus and poisoning me when you say you heard someone gossiping about me! I DON'T NEED TO KNOW THAT! If you care so much and really want to pray for me, start by praying for YOURSELF!!! Pray for the boldness to SPEAK UP and tell the person with the problem to come directly to me!
Truth is, I don't want your PRAYER...I want your PROTECTION!
Words are powerful. They can build. They can destroy. Scripture teaches that over and over. The most secular, left-winged liberal would agree with that!
Stop poisoning. Start protecting.
Unfortunately, it's a pretty common issue and can be extremely hurtful. I've been through this but never got the chance to blog about it. So, here's my chance...while I'm all worked up!
Ok, so here's the deal:
The next time you hear someone talking behind my back, questioning my integrity, or speaking poorly of my character...PLEASE DON'T TELL ME! I don't need to hear it from you, especially if it's wrapped in the, "I heard a few things...and...well, I'm praying for you Matt." package!
You may feel like you're helping me by saying that, but you're not. You're actually spreading a disgusting virus and poisoning me when you say you heard someone gossiping about me! I DON'T NEED TO KNOW THAT! If you care so much and really want to pray for me, start by praying for YOURSELF!!! Pray for the boldness to SPEAK UP and tell the person with the problem to come directly to me!
Truth is, I don't want your PRAYER...I want your PROTECTION!
Words are powerful. They can build. They can destroy. Scripture teaches that over and over. The most secular, left-winged liberal would agree with that!
Stop poisoning. Start protecting.
You're Such A Letdown!

We all experience letdowns in one way or another. Maybe it's the food you ordered that looked NOTHING like the picture on the menu...or the new cell phone that likes to freeze up and call people on its own! (PS: Do yourself a favor and never buy a phone with the name "Chocolate")
Or maybe it's your friend who says he's a Christian but is always gossiping and tearing others down...Or maybe you feel letdown by your pastor and church because you don't feel like they care.
Expectations can be a dangerous thing. When we have an expectation of what something should sound like, taste like, look like, or act like...we set ourselves up for potential disappointment. There will always be times when things fail to meet our expectations, and for most of us this will leave us upset, disappointed, and bitter.
So...If I don't want to be letdown, just don't EVER have ANY expectations??? Well, not entirely.
Expectations aren't wrong...just unrealistic ones.
Do you find yourself constantly frustrated with others?
Are your friends just failures at being there for you?
Have you let one person ruin your view God?
Chances are you may have unrealistic expectations. Remember, people are limited and flawed beings. The next time you find yourself letdown, ask yourself, "Are my expectations realistic?" They just might very well be...But by thinking this through, it will help us avoid unnecessary disappointment, hurt feelings, and bitterness.
Does anyone have an unfair expectation of you?
That Band Sucks!
Quick riddle for you: "What's the most amazing thing AND the worst the same time?
Take your time here.....this ones a bit of a mind bender...OK. Times up!
The answer: Every Worship Band....EVER! (baadoom-chhhht)
I just think it's funny listening to how many differing opinions can be said about one thing...especially when that thing is, in this case, a worship band. It's just interesting to think that 2 similar people, standing side by side, listening to the same band play the same song, singing the same lyrics to the same God could walk away with completely opposite experiences and opinions.
One person loved it. The other was over it.
How does that happen? Is it just a preference thing or is there a deeper issue? The truth is it's probably a little of both. We all have musical likes and dislikes, right? I mean, I'll be the first to admit that I'm extremely critical and usually turn into Simon Cowell and start counting everything the band does "wrong." And without fail, the band that was, in my eyes completely blowing it, was at the same time ministering to someone standing next to me! Same band. 2 people. 2 opinions.
It's just a fact. There will always be a million different opinions about what one person likes and about what this other person wants in a worship band. But here's ONE issue I have when it comes to our opinions of worship through music: We'll either end up treating our worship bands like rockstars, in which the focus is placed on them and not on Jesus...OR we'll critically analyze them to death and if they don't impress us, we'll say they suck and that we're over it. And now...the focus is on us...the unsatisfied consumer.
I have to confess...I've placed too much responsibility into the hands of musicians...expecting the cool harmonies, delay pedals, and catchy choruses to make "worship happen." I just had this mental picture of me telling God, "Hold on God...I'm waiting for them to play my favorite song! THEN....I'll worship you. Ok?" I know that sounds crazy, but I'm totally guilty of that.
Here's my point...
Opinions about bands, even worship bands, are not the bad thing here. What I need to guard against is my tendency to allow the OPINION to quench the worship God deserves. And He deserves so much more than my personal critique of the worship team with my 3 1/2 Star review...(which could've been 5 Stars but I docked them for wearing cargo shorts and using a capo on every song.)
Remember: Guitar solos, cool worship bands, and your favorite worship songs didn't knit you together in your mothers womb or die for your sins. God, the Creator and Savior did! HE'S THE AUDIENCE.
Leave the critiques and opinions to Simon. Let's Worship God!
Take your time here.....this ones a bit of a mind bender...OK. Times up!
The answer: Every Worship Band....EVER! (baadoom-chhhht)
I just think it's funny listening to how many differing opinions can be said about one thing...especially when that thing is, in this case, a worship band. It's just interesting to think that 2 similar people, standing side by side, listening to the same band play the same song, singing the same lyrics to the same God could walk away with completely opposite experiences and opinions.
One person loved it. The other was over it.
How does that happen? Is it just a preference thing or is there a deeper issue? The truth is it's probably a little of both. We all have musical likes and dislikes, right? I mean, I'll be the first to admit that I'm extremely critical and usually turn into Simon Cowell and start counting everything the band does "wrong." And without fail, the band that was, in my eyes completely blowing it, was at the same time ministering to someone standing next to me! Same band. 2 people. 2 opinions.
It's just a fact. There will always be a million different opinions about what one person likes and about what this other person wants in a worship band. But here's ONE issue I have when it comes to our opinions of worship through music: We'll either end up treating our worship bands like rockstars, in which the focus is placed on them and not on Jesus...OR we'll critically analyze them to death and if they don't impress us, we'll say they suck and that we're over it. And now...the focus is on us...the unsatisfied consumer.
I have to confess...I've placed too much responsibility into the hands of musicians...expecting the cool harmonies, delay pedals, and catchy choruses to make "worship happen." I just had this mental picture of me telling God, "Hold on God...I'm waiting for them to play my favorite song! THEN....I'll worship you. Ok?" I know that sounds crazy, but I'm totally guilty of that.
Here's my point...
Opinions about bands, even worship bands, are not the bad thing here. What I need to guard against is my tendency to allow the OPINION to quench the worship God deserves. And He deserves so much more than my personal critique of the worship team with my 3 1/2 Star review...(which could've been 5 Stars but I docked them for wearing cargo shorts and using a capo on every song.)
Remember: Guitar solos, cool worship bands, and your favorite worship songs didn't knit you together in your mothers womb or die for your sins. God, the Creator and Savior did! HE'S THE AUDIENCE.
Leave the critiques and opinions to Simon. Let's Worship God!
We've Officially Gone "Green"
The following is a true story. It takes place in the not-so-distant past...but it's purpose is present. It exists in "the here and now"...providing the fruit for which it was planted...Community.
This is the story of the HSM "Lawn Project".
Once upon a time...

Now watch us "Go Green!!!"
I'm so proud of everyone who showed up, grabbed a shovel, sweated, and took home blisters! You guys rocked! It was as insane project but we conquered it... Drewski...the video made me cry:) Thanks for all you do bro!
This is the story of the HSM "Lawn Project".
Once upon a time...

Now watch us "Go Green!!!"
I'm so proud of everyone who showed up, grabbed a shovel, sweated, and took home blisters! You guys rocked! It was as insane project but we conquered it... Drewski...the video made me cry:) Thanks for all you do bro!
HSM Events
Do YOU Have Windows?

A few weeks ago our office doors here at the church experienced a little make-over. I had been hearing rumors that we were going to be getting these windows installed in our office doors but I had no idea when, and to be honest, I didn't want no stinkin' window in my door! I liked my privacy. But that morning I showed up to work only to find the doors off their hinges, and the 'relaxing' sound of the screeching power saw destroying my privacy.
I have to admit, I was frustrated! Here's a sound clip of what I was thinking:
"I mean, come on! Do they not trust me?!? What's the "BIG" deal? It's gonna look lame! Well, can you at least install a little curtain too? Geeze!" (I know...what a whiner!)
So why was this so hard? Was it because what I do needs to take place behind closed doors with no window? No! Definitely not. I just really liked my privacy. And the thought of seeing faces, out of the corner of my eye, peek in at me kinda freaks me out! But thats a whole other issue...
The truth is...I was looking at this all wrong. My window wasn't installed to PATROL was installed to PROTECT me.
It's called being "above reproach." It's being intentional about "avoiding the appearance of evil." My window is my friend. It says, "Go ahead...look in and see! No shenanigans in here!"
This is a principal I need to take with me everywhere. I need to intentionally install "windows" all around me. It's living above reproach, where no one can say, "Hmmm...I wonder what Matt's doing in there??? I believe that every aspect of my life needs a window...not to PATROL me...but PROTECT me! I just wasn't seeing it that way at first. But now, I wouldn't have it any other way!
How about you? Do you have "windows" installed in YOUR life? What are they?
Spirit Touches (s)pirit

"Worship is our response to the overtures of love from the heart of the Father. Its central reality is found in "spirit and truth." It is kindled within us only when the Spirit of God touches our human spirit. Forms and rituals do not produce worship, nor does the misuse of forms and rituals. We can use all the right techniques and methods...but we have not worshipped the Lord until Spirit touches spirit." -Richard Foster
Come worship THE Creator through the gift of music. May His Spirit touch ours!! I love that quote!
This Wednesday. 7-9pm. HSM room.
HSM Events
My Garage Band Philosophy
Do you ever have those moments where your passion for something runs face first into a wall? You know, those times where what’s in front of you seems impossible to climb, move, or go around, keeping you from reaching your goals?
I usually respond 1 of 2 ways when I'm faced with what seems like an impossible task.
1: I’ll tend to get frustrated and overwhelmed. I look at how much there is to do and more often then not, I get depressed and give up. Sound good?
2: My other response (which I wish I would "turn up") is to take on the Garage Band Philosophy.
Since I’m pretty sure we all know what Option #1 looks like, let me spend a few paragraphs unpacking Option 2. (Disclaimer: This analogy isn’t perfect…but I think you’ll get it.)
Think about the greatest, hugest, most legendary bands of all time…The bands that could fill any stadium any night of the week. (Is it weird if all I can picture in my mind is Enrique? Ok…sorry!)
The thing that is crazy to me as I think about these huge bands (like U2…is that better?) is that they ALL started somewhere. Maybe it was a garage or maybe it was in the bedroom, or maybe it was at a friend’s house that happened to have a drum set. Every bands beginning is different, but every band had a beginning…
It all started…one chord at a time. One melody. One catchy phrase. One verse…One chorus…One song at a time…One show at a time…One fan at a time…the greatest bands took over the world and worked their way to the top…one day at a time.
So here we are…you and I, sitting in the garage, filled with a passion to see Christ formed in the lives around us and to see Gods people discover their true worth in Him. Where do we even begin? There’s so much to do! So many “songs” to write, shows to play, albums to sell and we’re stuck here in this stinky garage getting claustrophobic!
That’s how ministry feels to me a lot. The thought of all the work that’s ahead sometimes tempts me to quit the band, pack up the guitar, and sell it on eBay!
But it’s when I remember that everything I’m passionate about and everything God has called me to be will take place “one chord at a time”. (I was gonna go as far as saying, “Jesus is the Lead Singer” but that may sound cheesy…actually, I kinda like it!)
My prayer is to not miss out on the songwriting process that God has me in right now. My desire is to learn His chord progressions and melodies, and to wait patiently for Him to take the Main Stage in my life and in the lives around me!
I usually respond 1 of 2 ways when I'm faced with what seems like an impossible task.
1: I’ll tend to get frustrated and overwhelmed. I look at how much there is to do and more often then not, I get depressed and give up. Sound good?
2: My other response (which I wish I would "turn up") is to take on the Garage Band Philosophy.
Since I’m pretty sure we all know what Option #1 looks like, let me spend a few paragraphs unpacking Option 2. (Disclaimer: This analogy isn’t perfect…but I think you’ll get it.)
Think about the greatest, hugest, most legendary bands of all time…The bands that could fill any stadium any night of the week. (Is it weird if all I can picture in my mind is Enrique? Ok…sorry!)
The thing that is crazy to me as I think about these huge bands (like U2…is that better?) is that they ALL started somewhere. Maybe it was a garage or maybe it was in the bedroom, or maybe it was at a friend’s house that happened to have a drum set. Every bands beginning is different, but every band had a beginning…
It all started…one chord at a time. One melody. One catchy phrase. One verse…One chorus…One song at a time…One show at a time…One fan at a time…the greatest bands took over the world and worked their way to the top…one day at a time.
So here we are…you and I, sitting in the garage, filled with a passion to see Christ formed in the lives around us and to see Gods people discover their true worth in Him. Where do we even begin? There’s so much to do! So many “songs” to write, shows to play, albums to sell and we’re stuck here in this stinky garage getting claustrophobic!
That’s how ministry feels to me a lot. The thought of all the work that’s ahead sometimes tempts me to quit the band, pack up the guitar, and sell it on eBay!
But it’s when I remember that everything I’m passionate about and everything God has called me to be will take place “one chord at a time”. (I was gonna go as far as saying, “Jesus is the Lead Singer” but that may sound cheesy…actually, I kinda like it!)
My prayer is to not miss out on the songwriting process that God has me in right now. My desire is to learn His chord progressions and melodies, and to wait patiently for Him to take the Main Stage in my life and in the lives around me!
BlackBerry's are a Blessing!!!
I did 2 things last week that I swore I'd never do:
1) Buy a NEW cell phone when I can get a free one every 2 years...
2) Wear a BlueTooth ear thingy.
Let me tell you a story...
Matt was unorganized.
He wasted time.
Matt spent 30 min in the presence of God at the Verizon store.
He bought a BlackBerry. He loves it.
Matt still wastes some time...But
He's organized!
The End
1) Buy a NEW cell phone when I can get a free one every 2 years...
2) Wear a BlueTooth ear thingy.
Let me tell you a story...
Matt was unorganized.
He wasted time.
Matt spent 30 min in the presence of God at the Verizon store.
He bought a BlackBerry. He loves it.
Matt still wastes some time...But
He's organized!
The End
This Sunday=LEGIT!

Well, it's time for the summer to begin! This Sunday is what we like to call, "Promotion Sunday" and it's gonna be off the hizzy!!! (I don't know what "on" the hizzy really looks like...but we're gonna be OFF it!!!)
Just make sure you're there! All the action begins at 10:15. I'm so stoked to meet our new freshmen and I can't wait to see what God does this summer!
And Sunday night, JJ Heller (who's awesome!!) will be playing a concert at SCC starting at 7pm and Paige Aufhammer (who's awesome....and the love of my life:) will be performing too!
Hope to see you all there!!!
Zach's Creepy Clown Ringtone
Zach was playing this all morning at our rehersal and now this creepy riff has been stuck in my head ALL STINKIN DAY...and I can't get rid of it!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!! (It doesn't help that it's also set as my ringtone...)
So I thought I would just share this with you so we ALL can sing along!!!
The New iPod With 1,000,000,000 GB's!!!
Last Sunday "Rocked"!!!!!
I was so stoked about how the first week of our "iTunes" series went! Everything came together and there's no way it would've happened without the hard work and sacrifice of some awesome people who stepped up in crazy insane ways! So I just need to give a shout out to my peeps:
Avena- Those ipods are genius! I'm stoked that you're as O.C.D. as me! They look great!
Joey- Loved hearing you rock with the band! The song you wrote is seriously epic!
Seiji- My Beloved Intern... I love having you around!!! I was stoked that you were there working hard and the fact that you were extra 'willing' to help Avena with everything...hmmm...
Trevor and the Band-You guys are 100% Grade A Legitness!
David-My Musical Maestro ...The videos you brought "sealed the deal"!!!
Weston-You're a genius! You're dance moves set the stage! I don't know how you do it...but you do!
It's seriously pumps me up to see the people of God...His Body, the Church, being built up like this! It fires me up to see High School students full of passion to serve God give of themselves...their time, their gifts, their skills...and to see God work through them in such tangible ways!
And most importantly, God was doing business with one particular student during our worship service...and THAT makes it ALL worth it! The truth is, it doesn't matter how big and awesome the ipods are or how much the band rocks...God HAS to move. He's the one that changes the hearts!
Read this verse: Psalm 127:1 "Unless the Lord builds the house, it's builders labor in vain..."
Personal translation: "Unless the Lord builds the ipods, the builders labor for nothing..."
Let's be a people that "Labors" for God! Let's BUILD that stinkin house...let's make huge ipods! Lets unleash our God given creativity!...But may we not do it in vain! Jesus HAS to be the center. The foundation. He HAS to be the source of our strength. Otherwise, it's all pointless.
Here are some visuals. Enjoy.

I was so stoked about how the first week of our "iTunes" series went! Everything came together and there's no way it would've happened without the hard work and sacrifice of some awesome people who stepped up in crazy insane ways! So I just need to give a shout out to my peeps:
Avena- Those ipods are genius! I'm stoked that you're as O.C.D. as me! They look great!
Joey- Loved hearing you rock with the band! The song you wrote is seriously epic!
Seiji- My Beloved Intern... I love having you around!!! I was stoked that you were there working hard and the fact that you were extra 'willing' to help Avena with everything...hmmm...
Trevor and the Band-You guys are 100% Grade A Legitness!
David-My Musical Maestro ...The videos you brought "sealed the deal"!!!
Weston-You're a genius! You're dance moves set the stage! I don't know how you do it...but you do!
It's seriously pumps me up to see the people of God...His Body, the Church, being built up like this! It fires me up to see High School students full of passion to serve God give of themselves...their time, their gifts, their skills...and to see God work through them in such tangible ways!
And most importantly, God was doing business with one particular student during our worship service...and THAT makes it ALL worth it! The truth is, it doesn't matter how big and awesome the ipods are or how much the band rocks...God HAS to move. He's the one that changes the hearts!
Read this verse: Psalm 127:1 "Unless the Lord builds the house, it's builders labor in vain..."
Personal translation: "Unless the Lord builds the ipods, the builders labor for nothing..."
Let's be a people that "Labors" for God! Let's BUILD that stinkin house...let's make huge ipods! Lets unleash our God given creativity!...But may we not do it in vain! Jesus HAS to be the center. The foundation. He HAS to be the source of our strength. Otherwise, it's all pointless.
Here are some visuals. Enjoy.
The Evolution of a Robot
"Summer Promo Night" is a big deal around here and this year, we wanted to go all out!
This Summer, the theme at Hume Lake has a robotic flavor to not build a robot?
Following Micah and Trevor's 2 hour mission, hunting in dumpsters all over Encinitas, they found enough junk to get this masterpiece started.
Here now, is the Evolution of a pictures:
The time is 12:30am. Almost done but still nowhere near complete.
Trevor will paint your robot too for a nominal fee.
Who gave Micah a saw?
Arms!!! Every robot needs arms!
Awww...he has his mommies eyes...
Oooohhh Yessssss!!!!! He got his tattoo. There he stands in all his glory!!! Time: 2:24am
He likes me.
Our 1st family portrait...
And.............the following morning at 9:05am.
The End.
This Summer, the theme at Hume Lake has a robotic flavor to not build a robot?
Following Micah and Trevor's 2 hour mission, hunting in dumpsters all over Encinitas, they found enough junk to get this masterpiece started.
Here now, is the Evolution of a pictures:
The time is 12:30am. Almost done but still nowhere near complete.
Last Night...I Kissed Dating Goodbye!!!
Yesterday, May 6th, at approximately 6:14pm..."someday" became "today". Paige said "YES" and made me the worlds happiest man!
Identity Theft!!!

Our current HSM series, "Identity Theft" started yesterday and was pretty sweet! Studying and preparing for this series has been so good for me! It's crazy how much you learn as you prepare to teach. Here are some key thoughts from Week 1.
-A lie believed as truth will affect you as if it were true.
-Satan will do EVERYTHING he can to steal your God-given identity and convince you that you need status, popularity, looks, possessions, recognition, accomplishments, and 100000000 Facebook friends in order to have meaning and significance in your life.
-If I'm a Christian (accepted His sacrifice on the cross as the ONLY payment for my sin) then the only equation that matters is ME+CHRIST....THAT is what gives me meaning and significance!
-2 Cor. 5:16-17 says it so clearly!
-What I DO doesn't determine WHO I AM....WHO I AM determines what I will DO! (Eph. 2:10)
-Once I'm spiritually born, NOTHING can steal my identity and change the way God sees me! NOTHING!!
This is HUGE! If we can understand and embrace the true and irrevocable identity that we have in and through Christ, we'll experience the freedom and victory that only He provides!
Tell Me What You Thought
Saturday was.....ummm....what's the word I'm looking for?????? Oh! "LEGIT"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had so much fun hanging out with all of the HSM peeps who went to see "Expelled" with us. Not just seeing the movie...while eating Sour Patch Kids and getting a numb tongue, but also being together for the afternoon was awesome. I really loved the discussions that took place after. I wish I could have talked with everyone to see what they thought of the film.
So......what DID you think?
Has this movie brought up any interesting discussions between you and others?
Tell me! Tell me!
I had so much fun hanging out with all of the HSM peeps who went to see "Expelled" with us. Not just seeing the movie...while eating Sour Patch Kids and getting a numb tongue, but also being together for the afternoon was awesome. I really loved the discussions that took place after. I wish I could have talked with everyone to see what they thought of the film.
So......what DID you think?
Has this movie brought up any interesting discussions between you and others?
Tell me! Tell me!
Blogged with the Flock Browser
"Subscribe!" saith the Lord
Thanks to my awesome friend Matt and the post he put on HIS BLOG, there is now a way to subscribe to the HSM blog! The world of postcards, copy machines, and paper cuts is far too dangerous for a guy like me to be in. So, we'll be going paperless as much as we can. And plus...licking a 100 envelopes makes my tongue numb!
It's a new season of life! And I can sleep at night knowing that there's a few trees still standing somewhere. Makes me proud!
We'll try to provide all the info you need regarding upcoming events including links to things you may need. be good and go subscribe!
It's a new season of life! And I can sleep at night knowing that there's a few trees still standing somewhere. Makes me proud!
We'll try to provide all the info you need regarding upcoming events including links to things you may need. be good and go subscribe!
Blogged with the Flock Browser
American Idol Shouts to the Lord!!!
I know this is "Old News" to a lot of you...but I had to at least blog about it!
For a world and culture that seems to be doing all it can to remove God from the picture, this is awesome!
For a world and culture that seems to be doing all it can to remove God from the picture, this is awesome!
"Expelled" Info!!!
I Love My Peeps!!!
Wow. Today was insane! Well…every Sunday is nuts, but today was one of those “extra” insane days.
I accused my alarm clock of going off too early this morning. I thought it was cheating, but then I realized it wasn’t… It was time for the craziness of the day to begin.
I just have to say I’m sooooooo proud of my boys Zach, Seiji, Trevor, and Blake…and my girl Alex for their amazingness! We led worship both main services this morning and had so much fun being loud for Jesus! I’m so stoked to have them all as friends and be able to play with them is a privilege.
AND I gotta give props to Brandon S, Brandon J, and Weston. They taught in the HSM this morning and owned it! They put so much effort into it and it rocked!
I feel so blessed to have all of these people in my life. They make ministry so much fun!
Well, time to plop down on my bed and watch some “House”!!
…I think I secretly want to be a Doctor…
I accused my alarm clock of going off too early this morning. I thought it was cheating, but then I realized it wasn’t… It was time for the craziness of the day to begin.
I just have to say I’m sooooooo proud of my boys Zach, Seiji, Trevor, and Blake…and my girl Alex for their amazingness! We led worship both main services this morning and had so much fun being loud for Jesus! I’m so stoked to have them all as friends and be able to play with them is a privilege.
AND I gotta give props to Brandon S, Brandon J, and Weston. They taught in the HSM this morning and owned it! They put so much effort into it and it rocked!
I feel so blessed to have all of these people in my life. They make ministry so much fun!
Well, time to plop down on my bed and watch some “House”!!
…I think I secretly want to be a Doctor…
Change Change Change: Part 2
It’s crazy! So many things all around me are in an accelerated season of change. People are coming. People are going. Some people feel blessed…others feel forgotten and overlooked. Some are receiving answers…others are asking questions.
When I’m in the midst of transition, in my personal life or corporately, I tend to get anxious. When the secure suddenly becomes the unknown, it freaks me out!
Confession: “I’m addicted to comfort.” It’s true. I like things safe. I like things to be predictable.
But the truth is God hasn’t promised me a “comfortable” life.
He hasn’t promised me a “safe” life.
I'm not called to an easy life...I'm called to live an obedient life.
And what this means for me is that I can't base my calling on the circumstances and situations around me. In my experience, those change all too often.
What I need to do is respond to what God has called me as a follower of Him to do...Minister His love and His Grace to the world around me. And that...will NEVER change.
Caution: That kind of life is highly UN-predictable!
When I’m in the midst of transition, in my personal life or corporately, I tend to get anxious. When the secure suddenly becomes the unknown, it freaks me out!
Confession: “I’m addicted to comfort.” It’s true. I like things safe. I like things to be predictable.
But the truth is God hasn’t promised me a “comfortable” life.
He hasn’t promised me a “safe” life.
I'm not called to an easy life...I'm called to live an obedient life.
And what this means for me is that I can't base my calling on the circumstances and situations around me. In my experience, those change all too often.
What I need to do is respond to what God has called me as a follower of Him to do...Minister His love and His Grace to the world around me. And that...will NEVER change.
Caution: That kind of life is highly UN-predictable!
Change Change Change: Part 1
Change freaks me out. Change makes me uncomfortable. It makes me doubt. It makes me question.
Change always thrust me into the realm of the strips me of my security.
It robs my self-confidence...It separates me from loved makes me angry.
Yes, it can do all of that and yet...I truly believe, Change Is GOOD. Why?
Change causes me to pray.
Change brings me to my knees where I remember that God is in control. I remember to depend on Him. I remember to let Him be my confidence. In the midst of change, I NEED to hear from God. He HAS to show up.
And living in the realm of faith is where I'm called to be.
Change always thrust me into the realm of the strips me of my security.
It robs my self-confidence...It separates me from loved makes me angry.
Yes, it can do all of that and yet...I truly believe, Change Is GOOD. Why?
Change causes me to pray.
Change brings me to my knees where I remember that God is in control. I remember to depend on Him. I remember to let Him be my confidence. In the midst of change, I NEED to hear from God. He HAS to show up.
And living in the realm of faith is where I'm called to be.
The Pastor Has A Limo!
I had two conversations take place yesterday...
Both loosely related things made me ask this question:
"Are we as followers of Christ living out what Jesus had in mind when He commissioned His followers to spread His teaching to every nation?"
Ok. So my first conversation took place after attending a worship experience at a "mega-church" here in San Diego. Following the service, after approximately 100 people responded to the invitation to receive Christ, a friend of mine mentioned how disgusted he was in the presentation of the Gospel...or lack there of.
He went on to say that everything from the lights, fog machines, cameras, and the "diet-caffeine-free" version of the gospel made him sick. "There's just so much more to it than this!" he kept saying. (I gave him some of my Easter candy and calmed him down.)
The second conversation happened shortly after that. A friend of a friend of a friend said that she walked out of a service after hearing that the limo parked in the front of the church belonged to a pastor who was guest speaking that night. "It doesn't matter who you DON'T come to church in a limo...especially if you're a pastor!" (There was no more candy to give away at this point.)
The truth is, there are people everywhere who are doing things differently. We may not agree with "how" they preach or what "strategies" they use to spread the Gospel. I know I could talk with you for a long time all about how I think churches should do things. (Yes, I can be a little opinionated.)
But instead of launching a full investigation into why and how a pastor decided to show up to church in a limo...and instead of questioning the use of fog machines during a worship set, I've been encouraged by someone special in my life to do what Paul did...try to think like he thought. Check this out:
18-21So how am I to respond? I've decided that I really don't care about their motives, whether mixed, bad, or indifferent. Every time one of them opens his mouth, Christ is proclaimed, so I just cheer them on!
Philippians 1:18 (The Message)
Also see what the NIV says.
It was just what I needed to hear. In these matters we run the risk of confusing principals with preferences. I know I have a difficult time sifting through the two.
And...I'm not saying it's a good idea to stick our heads in the sand when it comes to peoples doctrine. Don't do that.(Sand gets in your ears and is messy.)
Do this: Rejoice that Christ is being preached which equals...the Great Commission!
Both loosely related things made me ask this question:
"Are we as followers of Christ living out what Jesus had in mind when He commissioned His followers to spread His teaching to every nation?"
Ok. So my first conversation took place after attending a worship experience at a "mega-church" here in San Diego. Following the service, after approximately 100 people responded to the invitation to receive Christ, a friend of mine mentioned how disgusted he was in the presentation of the Gospel...or lack there of.
He went on to say that everything from the lights, fog machines, cameras, and the "diet-caffeine-free" version of the gospel made him sick. "There's just so much more to it than this!" he kept saying. (I gave him some of my Easter candy and calmed him down.)
The second conversation happened shortly after that. A friend of a friend of a friend said that she walked out of a service after hearing that the limo parked in the front of the church belonged to a pastor who was guest speaking that night. "It doesn't matter who you DON'T come to church in a limo...especially if you're a pastor!" (There was no more candy to give away at this point.)
The truth is, there are people everywhere who are doing things differently. We may not agree with "how" they preach or what "strategies" they use to spread the Gospel. I know I could talk with you for a long time all about how I think churches should do things. (Yes, I can be a little opinionated.)
But instead of launching a full investigation into why and how a pastor decided to show up to church in a limo...and instead of questioning the use of fog machines during a worship set, I've been encouraged by someone special in my life to do what Paul did...try to think like he thought. Check this out:
18-21So how am I to respond? I've decided that I really don't care about their motives, whether mixed, bad, or indifferent. Every time one of them opens his mouth, Christ is proclaimed, so I just cheer them on!
Philippians 1:18 (The Message)
Also see what the NIV says.
It was just what I needed to hear. In these matters we run the risk of confusing principals with preferences. I know I have a difficult time sifting through the two.
And...I'm not saying it's a good idea to stick our heads in the sand when it comes to peoples doctrine. Don't do that.(Sand gets in your ears and is messy.)
Do this: Rejoice that Christ is being preached which equals...the Great Commission!
Sex Ed!!!

Well, week 1 of SexEd finally began yesterday. Yes...finally. I say that because I've been looking forward to this series for awhile now. Is that strange? I know that's probably a weird thing to hear. I mean, who looks forward to talking about sex in front of a big group of high school students?
Well, I do.
And, I'll tell you why. First off, when you feel passionately about something and you feel burdened with a simply look forward to sharing it.
And what I've realized is that we are losing today's generation because we are not speaking boldly to the truth of sex.
The truth? God invented it. Culture has corrupted it.
Our society wants us to think that they own sex...or that Hollywood somehow owns the copyright. And what I feel has happened is that we as the church have begun to swallow that lie. And so, talking about it in church has become taboo and "ungodly". Well that makes me sick.
We're here as God's people to reclaim what belongs to God and to educate today's generation about His original design for sex! We can't and won't sit by and watch Hollywood and pop culture lull our young people to sleep and get them to stray from God's amazing intentions for their lives!
That's a message worth sharing!!!
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