Our current HSM series, "Identity Theft" started yesterday and was pretty sweet! Studying and preparing for this series has been so good for me! It's crazy how much you learn as you prepare to teach. Here are some key thoughts from Week 1.
-A lie believed as truth will affect you as if it were true.
-Satan will do EVERYTHING he can to steal your God-given identity and convince you that you need status, popularity, looks, possessions, recognition, accomplishments, and 100000000 Facebook friends in order to have meaning and significance in your life.
-If I'm a Christian (accepted His sacrifice on the cross as the ONLY payment for my sin) then the only equation that matters is ME+CHRIST....THAT is what gives me meaning and significance!
-2 Cor. 5:16-17 says it so clearly!
-What I DO doesn't determine WHO I AM....WHO I AM determines what I will DO! (Eph. 2:10)
-Once I'm spiritually born, NOTHING can steal my identity and change the way God sees me! NOTHING!!
This is HUGE! If we can understand and embrace the true and irrevocable identity that we have in and through Christ, we'll experience the freedom and victory that only He provides!
Man, now I wish I had been there sunday...I love what you said, "A lie believed as truth will affect you as if it were true." We have to be careful what we are following, God's way or ours. Even if we are saved we can give in to the ways of the world--even if we have good intentions! If we believe God is a certain way, we will act as though He is, proliferating the belief...we need to be grounded in His Word to make sure that what we think we know is really the truth! Like 1 Thes. 5:19-21, "Do not stifle the Holy Spirit. Do not scoff at prophecies, but test everything that is said. Hold on to what is good. Stay away from every kind of evil."
Good message, dude.
Well said Liz!
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