
Religion and the Gospel

One of the biggest distinctions that needs to be made in the church today is between "Religion" and "the Gospel."

One pastor puts it this way: "As missionaries, we must not forget that if the gospel is ever going to reach people in our day it’s going to have to be distinguished from religion because “religion” is what most people outside the church think Christianity is all about—rules and standards and behavior and cleaning yourself up and politics and social causes and ascetic appeasement and self-salvation and climbing the “ladder”, and a whole host of other things."

In order to make proper distinctions, we need to define our terms. What do we mean when we say religion or gospel?

Here's a helpful comparison chart:

Download the poster HERE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen. Some people think that Christianity is religion. IT IS NOT! Religion is about following rules and customs in church, but you can do anything else outside of church. Christianity is a lifestyle. I invite you to come follow my blog. And By the way, Happy Easter. He is risen. Give thanks to God that we have salvation.