“All Scripture is inspired by God and is
profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in
righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good
2 Tim. 3:16-17
To use
the theological word for it, it is an “inspired” book. That doesn’t mean that
the writers of the Bible fell into a trance and then woke up several hours
later with pages in front of them. It means instead that God chose to use, as
His instrument, these men, complete with their own personalities.
Think about it in terms of a text. If you want to be really particular and specific in what you communicate, you might use an emoticon. Or a different color. Or all capital letters.
In the same way, God not only chose the words, He also chose the instruments He would use to communicate those words. Have you ever wondered why there are four gospels? Wouldn’t it be simpler if there was just one? But think about the differences in those gospels.
Matthew was a former tax collector. He had a Jewish background. So His gospel includes these elements.
Think about it in terms of a text. If you want to be really particular and specific in what you communicate, you might use an emoticon. Or a different color. Or all capital letters.
In the same way, God not only chose the words, He also chose the instruments He would use to communicate those words. Have you ever wondered why there are four gospels? Wouldn’t it be simpler if there was just one? But think about the differences in those gospels.
Matthew was a former tax collector. He had a Jewish background. So His gospel includes these elements.
Mark appears to write from a Jewish perspective but to a gentile audience.
Luke was a physician by trade. He had an organized and logical mind. His gospel displays that organization and logic.
John started following Jesus when he was a teenager. His gospel has that mindset of imagination and creativity to it, complete with the flowery language.
different men. Four different perspectives on the same story. All inspired by
one God.
There is great hope for us in this fact. It means, among other things, that God has wired you, too, very specifically. He has given you talents and abilities, ingraining them into your very DNA. If God used these four men, along with the other writers of Scripture, according to their own personalities, then He’s sure likely to use you, too. He’s likely to use your creativity. Your love of sports, art, computers, or even animals. Your physical makeup and being.
There is great hope for us in this fact. It means, among other things, that God has wired you, too, very specifically. He has given you talents and abilities, ingraining them into your very DNA. If God used these four men, along with the other writers of Scripture, according to their own personalities, then He’s sure likely to use you, too. He’s likely to use your creativity. Your love of sports, art, computers, or even animals. Your physical makeup and being.
God can
use you. He is, after all, the One who made you.
Have you ever wondered why you have the
gifts and abilities you have?
What ability do you secretly wish you had?
does knowing that God allowed men to write the Bible and used their uniqueness
to accomplish His mission impact the way you look at how He has gifted you?
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