
I Can't Sleep

I feel like I have so much to say, yet I can't even think of a place to start. And the fact that it's 4:10am makes me think I shouldn't start.
I just can't sleep. My mind is wide awake and I can't stop thinking about how rad today was. There was nothing super "outside the norm" that happened...It was just a good day.

Here are some of my early bird thoughts...(And PS...I don't see any stinkin worm. It's all a big lie!) Anyways...

Over and over again I'm reminded of how blessed I am.

Blessed to belong to such an incredible spiritual family here at Seacoast.
Blessed to marry my best friend in a month!!!
Blessed to have friends and spiritual mentors that teach me so much and are committed to not letting me fail.
So blessed to have the job I have that allows me to get to know some of the coolest people around.

God has really been so good! It saddens me to think that I've spent the majority of my life complaining about what I don't have...when all along I've always had what I've needed. Today was another day where that truth was clear to me. And it's crazy...the more time I spend being thankful for what God has provided, the less time I have to complain! (I know that sounds complex)

Oh how I wish I would live my life in continuous gratitude! Sure, it might keep me up all night, but pulling the grave yard shift with God is well worth it!

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