
Free Music From JJ Heller!!!

I like free music and I like JJ's music. This is perfect.

Click on the picture or go to JJ's website and download her latest album, "Painted Red"....for FREE!!! Do it.


Gonna Miss Zach, Seiji, and Weston

I've accepted the fact that saying goodbye will always be an active ingredient in my life. It's just the nature of ministry. That doesn't mean I like it though.
Today was one of those days...Another farewell. Another goodbye...which has left me feeling sad and misplaced, like a baby who's "Binky" has been stolen or ripped from his hands!
Today I said goodbye to Zach, Seiji, and Weston. They're off to college to receive higher education and to unveil the meaning of life. Yes, I'll see them again soon, and actually very soon at a pretty special event...a certain wedding. But I'm gonna miss seeing them around so much. They've become such rad friends. It's hard to see them go.

Today, we played our final set, had a group hug, and said our goodbyes. I loved having lunch with Weston and getting one final chance to play with Zach+Seiji as we all focused our hearts on our Amazing God who, by His grace, has allowed us to enjoy this season of life together. It's been a supreme blessing. Thank you Jesus!

The final set list...

The band minus Weston (our media maestro)


I Don't Need Your Prayer

A friend of mine is working through a tough situation right now and shared it with me. Honestly, it made me angry, frustrated, annoyed, perturbed, and just plain mad as I listened to what is taking place!
Unfortunately, it's a pretty common issue and can be extremely hurtful. I've been through this but never got the chance to blog about it. So, here's my chance...while I'm all worked up!

Ok, so here's the deal:

The next time you hear someone talking behind my back, questioning my integrity, or speaking poorly of my character...PLEASE DON'T TELL ME! I don't need to hear it from you, especially if it's wrapped in the, "I heard a few things...and...well, I'm praying for you Matt." package!
You may feel like you're helping me by saying that, but you're not. You're actually spreading a disgusting virus and poisoning me when you say you heard someone gossiping about me! I DON'T NEED TO KNOW THAT! If you care so much and really want to pray for me, start by praying for YOURSELF!!! Pray for the boldness to SPEAK UP and tell the person with the problem to come directly to me!

Truth is, I don't want your PRAYER...I want your PROTECTION!

Words are powerful. They can build. They can destroy. Scripture teaches that over and over. The most secular, left-winged liberal would agree with that!

Stop poisoning. Start protecting.


You're Such A Letdown!

We all experience letdowns in one way or another. Maybe it's the food you ordered that looked NOTHING like the picture on the menu...or the new cell phone that likes to freeze up and call people on its own! (PS: Do yourself a favor and never buy a phone with the name "Chocolate")

Or maybe it's your friend who says he's a Christian but is always gossiping and tearing others down...Or maybe you feel letdown by your pastor and church because you don't feel like they care.

Expectations can be a dangerous thing. When we have an expectation of what something should sound like, taste like, look like, or act like...we set ourselves up for potential disappointment. There will always be times when things fail to meet our expectations, and for most of us this will leave us upset, disappointed, and bitter.

So...If I don't want to be letdown, just don't EVER have ANY expectations??? Well, not entirely.

Expectations aren't wrong...just unrealistic ones.

Do you find yourself constantly frustrated with others?
Are your friends just failures at being there for you?
Have you let one person ruin your view God?

Chances are you may have unrealistic expectations. Remember, people are limited and flawed beings. The next time you find yourself letdown, ask yourself, "Are my expectations realistic?" They just might very well be...But by thinking this through, it will help us avoid unnecessary disappointment, hurt feelings, and bitterness.

Does anyone have an unfair expectation of you?


That Band Sucks!

Quick riddle for you: "What's the most amazing thing AND the worst thing...at the same time?
Take your time here.....this ones a bit of a mind bender...OK. Times up!

The answer: Every Worship Band....EVER! (baadoom-chhhht)

I just think it's funny listening to how many differing opinions can be said about one thing...especially when that thing is, in this case, a worship band. It's just interesting to think that 2 similar people, standing side by side, listening to the same band play the same song, singing the same lyrics to the same God could walk away with completely opposite experiences and opinions.

One person loved it. The other was over it.

How does that happen? Is it just a preference thing or is there a deeper issue? The truth is it's probably a little of both. We all have musical likes and dislikes, right? I mean, I'll be the first to admit that I'm extremely critical and usually turn into Simon Cowell and start counting everything the band does "wrong." And without fail, the band that was, in my eyes completely blowing it, was at the same time ministering to someone standing next to me! Same band. 2 people. 2 opinions.

It's just a fact. There will always be a million different opinions about what one person likes and about what this other person wants in a worship band. But here's ONE issue I have when it comes to our opinions of worship through music: We'll either end up treating our worship bands like rockstars, in which the focus is placed on them and not on Jesus...OR we'll critically analyze them to death and if they don't impress us, we'll say they suck and that we're over it. And now...the focus is on us...the unsatisfied consumer.
I have to confess...I've placed too much responsibility into the hands of musicians...expecting the cool harmonies, delay pedals, and catchy choruses to make "worship happen." I just had this mental picture of me telling God, "Hold on God...I'm waiting for them to play my favorite song! THEN....I'll worship you. Ok?" I know that sounds crazy, but I'm totally guilty of that.
Here's my point...
Opinions about bands, even worship bands, are not the bad thing here. What I need to guard against is my tendency to allow the OPINION to quench the worship God deserves. And He deserves so much more than my personal critique of the worship team with my 3 1/2 Star review...(which could've been 5 Stars but I docked them for wearing cargo shorts and using a capo on every song.)

Remember: Guitar solos, cool worship bands, and your favorite worship songs didn't knit you together in your mothers womb or die for your sins. God, the Creator and Savior did! HE'S THE AUDIENCE.

Leave the critiques and opinions to Simon. Let's Worship God!