Aren’t cruises the best! Five star dining, amazing buffets, great entertainment, full relaxation, and your every need met. Cruises allow us to enjoy ourselves, be catered to and experience those blissful, carefree moments. Did I mention the food yet?
There is a myriad of enticing options out there, all of which can provide us with ultimate comfort and indulgence.
What is scary and harmful is when this ‘philosophy of comfort’ makes its way into the church. When we think of the church as a cruise ship we stop doing what Christ called us to do: Serve.
The Church should look more like a battleship. Everyone working together, participating, getting each others backs, all working toward the same goal! Scripture is abundantly clear. We’re the Body of Christ. (1 Cor. 12, Eph. 4) We all play a role. As followers of Christ and as a part of His Body, the Church, it is our biblical mandate to serve so that the Body of Christ may be built up.
So, what ship are you on? WHERE are you serving? Where are you allowing God to use you to build up The Body?
The sooner we can shift our paradigm from the “cruise ship” mentality to a “battleship” mentality, the sooner we begin to become the church Jesus intended us to be.
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