
"Urban Legends"

Hello my lil Bloggers! (You deserve a better name than that...any ideas?)Just thought I would use this post to update slash rehash slash inform slash inquire into your minds...

Our current series is "Urban Legends" and it's been a doozie! (Can I use that word?)
We've been talking about some important "misconceptions" and "lies" that seem to purvade our culture and for the most part, go unchallenged:

Week 1 "There are many ways to God"
Week 2 "If I make right choices I will grow spiritually"

We still have another week left in this series so.....be there Sunday @ 10:30!!!

I want to hear back from YOU. What have you learned in this series? What have been your thoughts? Are you finding opportunities to apply what we go through into your daily life? Take a moment and share with the whole class:)

I LOVE hearing from you! Seriously. And it's important for EVERYONE to hear from you.
So, click on the "add comment" and post a thought or two. Whatever you post must be reviewed before it's published so don't freak out and send it 200 times. It'll get there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Teehee, I've added this to my Feeds, and it tells me when you've updated it! Yay exciting!
Anyways, I was actually surprised to hear that making the right choices does not automatically help you grow with God. I mean, I knew there were other ways to grow with Him: even mistakes we make can be used to grow with Him. Sometimes our sorrows are the best times to get close to Him. But when we're following Him, shouldn't we be?
But I started thinking about it in a whole new light. Choosing to read my Bible will help, definitely, but it's not the only thing that has to be there. I started thinking about my quiet times...and realized that the Bible sometimes becomes dry to me. Even good choices like that don't always lead me to grow; it's something more.
Growth is in the heart: when I choose to seek Him within. I may come to Him, but that doesn't mean I'm seeking Him; sometimes I come to Him with all my selfishness and ask Him to deal with my problems for me. That's not how God works. God does things His way--because His way is best, always--and when problems arise in my life, the way we grow is by being in them, not getting through them.
Some of my friends say growth is in the overcoming, but I think it's more in the storm itself. My cousin says that life is a whirlwind: but God should be in the center of that. The storm's always there, but growing with God means making Him the center of the storm--not the peace and calm outside of it.