So, I've been feeling I need to contribute to the "Save the Trees" cause and have finally taken some action.
The HSM Parent Handbook, (all 12 pages!) is now available for download!
If you are a HSM parent, THIS IS FOR YOU! It'll give you an overview of the High School Ministry here at Seacoast and explain why we do what we do.
We're all about partnering with you, the parents of our High School students. It's a partnership primarily because "youth ministry" doesn't start at church...whether your son/daughter is a Freshman or in 6th grade or is graduating from High School or even a toddler...Youth Ministry starts at home. Your home.
And guess what? Your kids are watching you.
They're watching the things you DO and DON'T DO.
They're also listening.
Listening to the things you SAY and the things you DON'T say.
You're a huge example. What YOU DO matters.
How you LEAD matters.
Most of all...who you FOLLOW matters.
Thank you for allowing us to join your ministry to your son and/or daughter. I'm honored to be your partner.
Proverbs 22:6
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