

For those of you who attended Bedside Baptist last Sunday and enjoyed the Charger game while we were worshipping God, I thought I would leave you with a "Cliff Notes" version of what we talked about in the HSM. I would hate for you to miss out on this! So here ya go...

Don't settle for the fast food devotional life.

You know you've done it. We've all been super hungry and instead of taking time to prepare a healthy meal for ourselves or wait for mom to prepare her nutritious casserole, we pull into the drive-thru, order and eat as fast as we can just so we won't feel the pain of starvation any longer. Are you feeling me?
Well, we all know there are healthier alternatives, right?

"But doesn't a Big Mac have lettuce? That's healthy, isn't it?"-Me

Truth is, we do the same thing when it comes to our spiritual appetites. We're hungry for a taste of God but lack the discipline it takes to cook something up from His Word. I'm guilty of this. I've caught myself reading A verse or throwing out a "shout out" to Jesus somewhere in between waking up and falling asleep. And then I'll feel discouraged, easily angered, and frustrated and I'll wonder why. Hmmm...

I'm convinced that if my devotional life is ever gonna grow, I'm gonna have to feed it the nutrition that only an unhurried time with God can provide. How about you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry this isnt really about that sermon, I did like it though it was rather sardoodledum which means clever or well written, but I wanted to ask a favor of sorts. I have a friend right now who is going through some tough times, and i want to ask you and everyone else who reads this to pray for my friend. my friend is also a Christian, so yah, The bible says that prayer is very powerful when a lot of people do it humbly? I think or something like that. I believe that it is also so yah. thanks guys/Matt