
I Got Learned A Lesson At Camp

This is an article I wrote for the Seacoast newsletter. It's lengthy...so pop a few Ritalin and give it a read!

Well another winter is here and another Winter Camp has come and gone. Nothing truly rivals the experience of camp. There’s really nothing like having 14 roommates for a weekend, sharing one bathroom, laying in “submarine style” bunks and trying to catch a wink of sleep. Sound fun? It’s actually pretty awesome!
But I came back from our winter camp this year with a little more than a bag of dirty laundry and sleep deprivation. Let me share with you an important truth I learned this past weekend.
Camp is one of those staple ingredients of the Youth Ministry here at Seacoast. Grandma’s Snickerdoodles have ground cinnamon, the youth ministry has Camp. There’s just something about getting away from the distractions of our daily life and disappearing into the mountains for a few days that bring us closer to God. It’s usually at camp where students except Christ for the first time or recommit their lives to Him, which is awesome!

While that sounds great, it also presents a problem. What I’ve noticed in ministry is there’s a real temptation to live from “event to event”…from “camp to camp”. What this mentality creates in me is a dependence on that ONE trip or event to be the shot of adrenaline in the arm of our ministry and the catalyst that will stimulate the spiritual climate in the lives of the students.
I have to confess. I have high expectations when it comes to our Summer and Winter camps. The places we attend usually offer top notch programs, which include amazingly dynamic speakers and passionate worship experiences. It’s become quite an expectation and sadly, I feel it creating in me this consumer mentality that says, “This camp better provide our students with the greatest, most relevant and creative experience!”
But what happens when we show up to camp and the speaker just really isn’t connecting with the students as much as I would’ve hoped?
What happens when the highly anticipated worship through music is led by a singer whose voice is painful to my ears or the songs they play aren’t the ones I like? What happens now? Does this hamstring our ministry or limit what God can possibly do, even in the midst of a so-so program?
Not at all! God is going to accomplish His will regardless! This is what was so important for me to learn and be reminded of.
Our weekend was amazing, but not because it was a “product” we paid for, but because it was the “process” we were a part of. God doesn’t need the right song to be played in order for Him to move. My ministry to these students can’t depend upon a perfect camp with a perfect program. It has to depend solely on the Holy Spirit moving in the lives of His people. And truthfully, the most profound speaker coupled with the greatest worship band, without the Spirit moving and touching hearts will yield no eternal results.
So, how about you? How about us as a church? Do our expectations of what a church should provide reek of consumerism? Are we depending on a program to provide what only God can impart? Do you find yourself needing great worship leaders to experience true worship? Do you find yourself needing to be entertained by the preaching? Have you noticed the tendency not to live from camp to camp, but Sunday to Sunday?
If we’re spending time with God and worshipping Him all week long, by the time Sunday comes, we won’t need the best program. We won’t need our favorite song. We’ll just need the Holy Spirit himself, moving and touching the hearts of us, His people!
May we be constantly looking to God to touch and change lives and not allow the consumer mentality to limit what we can learn…even at camp!

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