
Change Change Change: Part 2

It’s crazy! So many things all around me are in an accelerated season of change. People are coming. People are going. Some people feel blessed…others feel forgotten and overlooked. Some are receiving answers…others are asking questions.

When I’m in the midst of transition, in my personal life or corporately, I tend to get anxious. When the secure suddenly becomes the unknown, it freaks me out!

Confession: “I’m addicted to comfort.” It’s true. I like things safe. I like things to be predictable.

But the truth is God hasn’t promised me a “comfortable” life.

He hasn’t promised me a “safe” life.

I'm not called to an easy life...I'm called to live an obedient life.

And what this means for me is that I can't base my calling on the circumstances and situations around me. In my experience, those change all too often.

What I need to do is respond to what God has called me as a follower of Him to do...Minister His love and His Grace to the world around me. And that...will NEVER change.

Caution: That kind of life is highly UN-predictable!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

such a good reminder, matt!