
The Pastor Has A Limo!

I had two conversations take place yesterday...

Both loosely related things made me ask this question:

"Are we as followers of Christ living out what Jesus had in mind when He commissioned His followers to spread His teaching to every nation?"

Ok. So my first conversation took place after attending a worship experience at a "mega-church" here in San Diego. Following the service, after approximately 100 people responded to the invitation to receive Christ, a friend of mine mentioned how disgusted he was in the presentation of the Gospel...or lack there of.

He went on to say that everything from the lights, fog machines, cameras, and production...to the "diet-caffeine-free" version of the gospel made him sick. "There's just so much more to it than this!" he kept saying. (I gave him some of my Easter candy and calmed him down.)

The second conversation happened shortly after that. A friend of a friend of a friend said that she walked out of a service after hearing that the limo parked in the front of the church belonged to a pastor who was guest speaking that night. "It doesn't matter who you are...you DON'T come to church in a limo...especially if you're a pastor!" (There was no more candy to give away at this point.)

The truth is, there are people everywhere who are doing things differently. We may not agree with "how" they preach or what "strategies" they use to spread the Gospel. I know I could talk with you for a long time all about how I think churches should do things. (Yes, I can be a little opinionated.)

But instead of launching a full investigation into why and how a pastor decided to show up to church in a limo...and instead of questioning the use of fog machines during a worship set, I've been encouraged by someone special in my life to do what Paul did...try to think like he thought. Check this out:

18-21So how am I to respond? I've decided that I really don't care about their motives, whether mixed, bad, or indifferent. Every time one of them opens his mouth, Christ is proclaimed, so I just cheer them on!

Philippians 1:18 (The Message)

Also see what the NIV says.

It was just what I needed to hear. In these matters we run the risk of confusing principals with preferences. I know I have a difficult time sifting through the two.
And...I'm not saying it's a good idea to stick our heads in the sand when it comes to peoples doctrine. Don't do that.(Sand gets in your ears and is messy.)

Do this: Rejoice that Christ is being preached which equals...the Great Commission!


MattO said...

Preach it Brother!!!

Anonymous said...

Dude...this is GREAT! I am going to subscribe to EVERYTHING you write. I am so with you about being happy the gospel is preached. Personally I'm not big on fog machines, but if I was with someone who was willing to listen to the message because the fog machine was "sick", then I say "bring it on". And by the way, some people think that a pastor that comes in a limo must be a better preacher than one who comes in a beater car. So "let'm ride!"